Bioscience degrees, which focus on the biology of living organisms, from plants and animals to funghi, are as popular as they are varied – and European HEIs are offering an increasingly wide range of specialist courses from botany and marine biology, to microbiology to biodiversity. PhD research opportunities and scholarships are also available for this subject – particularly given the EU strongly supports further development of genomics and biotechnology in accordance with the Lisbon Treaty. European HEIs offering bioscience courses include EHEVF 2016 India and South Asia participants Hasselt University in Belgium, which offers a 2 year MSC in Biomedical Sciences with specializations in bioelectronics and nanotechnology, Environmental Health Sciences, and Clinical Molecular Sciences; and Aalto University, which runs a 2 years M.Sc. (Tech) in Bioproduct Technology, with majors in biorefineries, renewable materials engineering, fibre products technology, and environmental management. The Erasmus Mundus two years master's programme in Systems Biology (euSYSBIO) is jointly run by the KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Sweden (KTH), Instituto Superior Tecnologico in Portugal (IST) and Aalto University School of Science and Technology in Finland. Students enter at KTH or Aalto University and continue in the second year at one of the other two institutions.