The European Institute of Higher Education is a higher education project founded in Fafe, in the north of Portugal. Based on its proximity to the community and the region, its general aim is to constantly seek and share knowledge.

Fafe (Portugal)
4820-509, Instituto Europeu de Estudos Superiores, Rua Universitária, Fafe, Portugal
Tel. 351253509000
The Instituto Europeu de Estudos Superiores-I.E.E.S., Lda ( is a project of Higher Education located in Fafe, in the north of Portugal, built on the values of proximity to the social environment and on the ideal of service to the region, while keeping a global vocation for research and share of knowledge.
Since its establishment in 1985, IEES has been following up the development of higher education and of the Portuguese society, increasing the number of students, modernizing its facilities and spreading the training offer.
Today, IEES is acknowledged as a reference in the fields of Education and Technologies. Through its School of Technologies and School of Education it prepares specialists in computer sciences, business and administration, tourism and hospitality, education and sports sciences. It offers over 50 Short Cycle, First Cycle and Second Cycle study programmes for over 1050 students. It also provides such specialization programs as Operation Management, Project Management Approach and Certified EThical Hacker.
The institution recognized by its investment in pedagogy of proximity, focused on its students, in encouraging them to learn how to learn, in the practice of guided investigation, in which they’re trained from the beginning of their educational path and in collaboration both with the secondary education and the labour market. The IESF is proud to be an institution able to generate synergies with other institutions of higher education, both national and international, but also with the local and regional public authorities and enterprises. The IEES embraces with confidence the challenge of qualifying the Portuguese Higher Education, taking into account the purposes for the development of the European Higher Education Area through a true culture of assessment with an invitation to a permanent scrutiny of peers and of the community aiming for high quality standards, achieved through constant practices of evaluation. Our purpose for the future is embodied in the institution's motto: Tradition and Innovation. The tradition is reflected in the proximity to the community, the respect for a common history, and in humanism as a maximum standard for all practices.
Guided by principles of innovation, inclusion, flexibility and personalization of learning paths, IEES recently creates the Department of E-Learning and Pedagogical Innovation that aims to contribute to the development and implementation of new methodologies mediated by digital technologies, in order to boost innovation in the ways of teaching and learning in the IEES Community and its areas of influence.
The innovation as a multidimensional phenomenon, with implications not only for the investigation, which has become an essential aspect in academic life, but also in the renovation and enlargement of products and services offered to our students, the application of new teaching methods, the introduction of changes in the management of the organization, a greater participation of students, and in the qualification of teachers.
The IEES has also it is own platform for research projects development, The Research, Development and Innovation Centre of IESF, integrates over 60 internal and external researchers.
In order to promote awareness of the importance of cybersecurity in both the academy and the nearby businesses, the IESF has recently set up the The R&D lab of Cybersecurity, Health and Industrial Internet of Things (CHIIoT). Through Cybersecurity Academy, it aims to promote professional certification of students of the School of Technologies, to support the virtual labs of post-graduate degree in the area of ethical hackers and CISO (Chief of Information Security Officer), as well as to implement and manage the Institution’s information security plan. The Lab has partnered with IBM within IBM University Alliance and EC-Council.
As part of its internationalization strategy, IEES cooperates with European and international universities and enterprises in terms of education and training. It holds European Charter for Higher Education (ECHE) since 2010. The IEES has nearly 83 staff members, 67 of which are teachers.