Radboud University is a student-focused research university in Nijmegen, the Netherlands where top research and high-quality education are closely connected. With our broad international network, we offer opportunities to go abroad for study, work and research. Discover the diversity of education programmes that we have on offer and find out what suits you.

Nijmegen (Netherlands)
6525 XZ, Radboud University, Houtlaan 4, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Tel. 31 243616161
Radboud University
Why the Netherlands?
The Netherlands, or Holland as it is referred to in many occasions, is a country with a truly international orientation. The first things that spring into mind are probably cheese, bikes, tulips and clogs, but we have much more to offer. The Dutch are known for their innovation and creativity, and their education system is recognised for its international character and problem-based learning style. Nijmegen is a true student city and is in the heart of Europe. As a student, you will find studying here to be full of life and excellent value for money.
Why Radboud University?
Radboud University is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. Our top-rated education and research take place in modern buildings with state-of-the-art facilities, located on a beautiful, green campus.
Research and education at Radboud University cover a wide range of disciplines, and interdisciplinarity is actively encouraged. There are 14 research institutes, many of which are world leading in their field.
You will benefit from a personal and close-knit education and research environment. By conversing with students from all programmes, teachers, professors, and scientists you will broaden your perspective and develop new and exciting insights.
Ten reasons to choose Radboud
1. International recognition
Radboud University is in the top one percent of universities in the world. Moreover, the 2010 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to two professors connected to Radboud University. Check our facts and figures for more information about our international ratings.
2. Personal approach
Our personal style of teaching offers you plenty of opportunity to work closely with leading researchers and excellent teachers in interactive, small seminars, ensuring a high-quality Bachelor's or Master's degree. Teachers and professors are easily approachable to discuss your study subjects.
3. Extensive freedom of choice
You decide which specialisation and subject choice is most appropriate for you. We offer you a great deal of choice and in many cases you can put together your own custom-made programme, based on your own interests. This has resulted in stimulating research and interesting study choices.
4. Excellent services
Radboud strives for the highest quality, also with its services. This has even been acknowledged by the European Commission, who recently stated that Radboud University has ‘an impressive range of activities for outgoing and incoming students and a high sense of concern for quality'.
5. Valuable diploma
After successful completion of the programme, you will be awarded a Bachelor's or Master's degree from an outstanding university and you will have gained critical skills and an insight into research and practice within your own subject area.
6. Build a valuable network
By studying at Radboud University, you ensure yourself of the opportunity to build a powerful professional network of valuable contacts. Naturally, you will become part of our alumni network to stay closely connected to your fellow classmates and professors.
7. Career prospects
Studies have shown that people who have studied abroad are more internationally minded, are better at problem solving and making decisions, are tolerant, open minded and curious about new challenges. At Radboud University, we stimulate and support you to develop these qualities which will greatly increase your chances of success in the job market.
8. Historically and culturally rich city
Studying in Nijmegen means living in the oldest city of the Netherlands, where you can find Roman ruins and modern architecture side by side.
9. Greenest campus in the Netherlands
The Radboud campus in Nijmegen is considered to be the greenest and most beautiful in the Netherlands. Also, it is one of the very few study locations in the Netherlands where you can live on campus.
10. Prime location
You can take advantage of the favourable location of Nijmegen. Major European cities like Amsterdam, Cologne and Brussels are just a train ride away and via the many nearby airports you are well connected to the rest of Europe.
Research Institutes
Where scientists come together from different backgrounds, new insights emerge. One of the main strengths of research at our university is the way we forge cooperative links across national and disciplinary boundaries. We value the breadth of the research carried out here.
Our top people are not buried away in their research groups – they derive their strength from a continuous exchange of ideas and results with others working in related areas. We have several major research institutes, each offering outstanding potential to students and researchers alike.
Research Institutes:
Where scientists come together from different backgrounds, new insights emerge. One of the main strengths of research at our university is the way we forge cooperative links across national and disciplinary boundaries. We value the breadth of the research carried out here.
Our top people are not buried away in their research groups – they derive their strength from a continuous exchange of ideas and results with others working in related areas. We have several major research institutes, each offering outstanding potential to students and researchers alike.
- Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
- Institute for Historical, Literary and Cultural Studies (including Centre for Parliamentary History)
- Business and Law Research Centre
- Research Centre for State and Law
- Institute for Management Research
- Radboud Social Cultural Research
- Centre for Language Studies
- Behavioural Science Institute
- Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour
- Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences
- Radboud Institute for Health Sciences
- Institute for Water and Wetland Research
- Institute for Molecules and Materials
- Institute for Mathematics, Astrophysics and Particle Physics
- Institute for Computing and Information Sciences
Research Institute for Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies
The research centres of the Faculty of Philosophy, Theology, and Religious Studies address fundamental questions concerning the nature, place and meaning of humans in the world. It covers philosophical, theological and socio-cultural issues, and notably philosophical and religious concepts and world-views of past and present.
The faculty's research is subdivided into five research centers:
- Center for the History of Philosophy and Science (CHPS)
- Center for Catholic Studies (CCS)
- Center for Cognition, Culture and Language (CCL)
- Center for Religion and Contemporary Society (CRCS)
- Center for Contemporary European Philosophy (CCEP)
Studying on a green campus
Our ambition is to become a 100% sustainable campus. Take a look at the Radboud Green Office(verwijst naar een andere website) to learn more about sustainability on campus. Here are some of our green initiatives:
- Everywhere on campus you will find drinking water taps where you can refill your water bottle in a sustainable way.
- In collaboration with BikeWerk our university fixes up old, abandoned bicycles and sells them to students.
- In order to reduce the CO2 emissions we buy emission rights, but do not use them.
- With the app 'Too Good To Go' you can buy a 'magic bag' filled with a delicious meal from the Refter, preventing good food from going to waste.
A Significant Impact
Our society faces complex challenges that require interdisciplinary collaboration. This is why Radboud University has explicitly opted for strong and broadly defined disciplines and cooperation between those disciplines. Read all about it in our strategy: 'A Significant Impact'.