Vilnius Gediminas technical university (VILNIUS TECH) is an innovative Lithuanian university that prepares creative and highly qualified specialists. The university is a leader in the field of technological sciences with modern and labour market-oriented approach to studies. Scientific research and experimantal development projects are carried out in 13 institutes, 3 scientific centers. 22 research laboratories.

VILNIUS (Lithuania)
LT-10223, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VILNIUS TECH), SAULĖTEKIO AL. 11, VILNIUS, Lithuania
Tel. 370 5 274 5030
VILNIUS TECH is one of the biggest research universities in the country with a focus on technologies and engineering and strong emphasis on university-business cooperation. University offers high quality degree studies and internationally recognized diplomas. VILNIUS TECH is ranked 701-750 in the QS World University Rankings 2023. VILNIUS TECH inspires and develops talents: socially-responsible, creative, forward-thinking people, who bring change to the environment and big university community together, work towards social, economic, cultural welfare and technological progress.
The following values are nurtured by the community of VILNIUS TECH and then passed on to our partners:
- Sustainability - for us this means embracing the sustainable approach to nature and environment, creating a foundation for long-lasting economic welfare, establishing a forward-thinking and harmonious society.
- Connectivity - we define it as synergy between different technologies, subjects, social groups and problem-solving methods; also as a constant desire to collaborate, search for common ground, creation of multi-layered and multi-cultural society and full engagement in it.
- Creativity - we pride ourselves on not being afraid to experiment and always look for new opportunities, apply non-conventional problem-solving methods and approach to both present and future challenges. VILNIUS TECH prepares technical makers that create for the future.
- Openness - we pride ourselves on not being afraid to experiment and always look for new opportunities, apply non-conventional problem-solving methods and approach to both present and future challenges.
- Innovation - we are constantly looking for the best technological solutions that would contribute to global progress in this rapidly changing world.
- 8 500 STUDENTS
- 14% with international experience
- 12.7% OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS from 79 countries
- 11:1 student / academic staff ratio
- 84 000 ALUMNI
- 480 PARTNER UNIVERSITIES in 64 countries globally
Website for International students' admission: