Since 2004, International Business School (IBS) has been using an internal quality assurance system which satisfies modern requirements of EN ISO 9001:2008 standard.
IBS applies a European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS), thus contributing to the objectives of the European Higher Education Area – high quality and transparency of the educational process and more opportunities for student mobility. In 2013 IBS was awarded with the honourary distinction for excellence in education DS Label by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency and the European Commission. Upon completion of their training, along with a higher education diploma, students receive the European Diploma Supplement describing the level, content and status of the training they have passed. Along with the traditional academic modes of study (full-time and part-time), IBS applies distance learning as a contemporary educational approach with a flexible learning process. Students are taught with less dependence on the tutor and the tuition is student-oriented, rather than tutor-oriented. This is to state that you are supported and eased in an ultimate way but at the same time you are much more responsible for your own education. Via a modern Learning Management System, which supports the learning process, IBS creates good opportunities for communication amongst all the participants in the distance learning process, including students, tutors and administration staff. To achieve high quality effectiveness of learning IBS offers students support and access to teaching resources. The same refers to the administrative services during the distance learning process.