The Centre for European Studies (CES), a branch of the Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies, offers high academic standard English taught interdisciplinary MA degree study programmes as well as Undergraduate study abroad programmes.

Krakow (Poland)
Garbarska street 7A 31-131 Krakow Poland
Tel. 00 48 12 42 962 07
The CES currently offers five study tracks within the MA in European Studies programme: EU Studies, Central and Eastern European Studies: Research Track, Europeanisation and Governance in CEE as well as Studies in the Holocaust and Totalitarian Systems. In addition, CES has been part of various international programmes and has agreements with several partner universities including University College London (International Master in Economy, State and Society – IMESS), the University of Glasgow (Erasmus Mundus International Master in Russian, Central and East European Studies), the University of Kent (International Master in European Studies/European and Global Governance), the University of Tartu (double-degree MA programme in European Regional Studies), the Catholic University of Portugal (double-degree MA programme in European Studies/MA in Governance, Leadership and Democracy Studies) and Kobe Univversity (EU-Japan Advanced Multidisciplinary Master Studies). The Centre for European Studies also regularly organises winter and summer schools.
In terms of facilities, The Centre for European Studies offers excellent study facilities for students, including a Reading Room, Computer Lab and Student Lounge. Furthermore, all students enrolled in the CES programmes are guaranteed a place in our halls of residence. Alternatively students may also also rent a private apartment. CES has a staff member who assists students to find private housing if needed. Dedicated CES staff assist students enrolled into CES Programmes with administration related to their stay in Poland, such as obtaining medical insurance and opening bank account..