Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary and the second largest research university in Finland.
Tampere (Finland)
33500, Tampere University, Kalevantie 4, Tampere, Finland
Tel. +358 50 318 2583
We educate shapers of the future – individuals who understand people, identify technological opportunities and are accustomed to a culture of co-operation already upon graduation.
Tampere University is one of the most multidisciplinary universities and the second largest research university in Finland. We educate shapers of the future – individuals who understand people, identify technological opportunities and are accustomed to a culture of co-operation already upon graduation. Tampere University was established after the merger of two distinguished universities: University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology. We offer dozens of English-taught Master’s programmes and our research focuses on topics related to technology, health and society. Numerous research groups and networks operate in our community conducting multidisciplinary and diverse studies across organisational boundaries. Tampere University offers the students flexible and individual degree paths that enable them to make effective academic progress. Tampere is known for its active student life. In Tampere every sixth resident is a student which contributes to the relaxed and vibrant atmosphere of the city. It is also visible in good student housing facilities, a plethora of student events, and discounts for students in shops and services around the city. All this and the outstanding lake views guarantee that Tampere is your best choice. According to several national surveys, Tampere is the most popular city to live and study in Finland. Our campuses provide wide range of student services and flexible study spaces in three different locations: City Centre, Kauppi and Hervanta.
Contact email address: admissions.tau@tuni.fi