A noble career option, Nursing and Mid-Wifery crosses many disciplines and allows its practioners to help save people’s lives, whilst bringing cheer and comfort to those in need. Europe is one of the most influential continents in which to study this subject, and its institutions provides students with the opportunity to experience state-of-the-art clinical facilities and train under the guidance of top-notch nurse educators. The University of Glasgow, in Scotland, is the highest ranked institution in the UK for this subject, according to the Guardian University Guide 2016 - and it will be celebrating the 60th anniversary of Nursing Studies this year (2016). Ranked 2nd in the UK, the University of Glasgow offers the Bachelor of Nursing Degree and MSc in Health Care with pathways in Cancer Care, Palliative Care, Critical Care, Cardiac Care, Stroke Care, Lymphoedema, Specialist/Advanced Practice and Generic.