We give learning sense. At the School of Business Administration, cutting-edge research meets with family atmosphere of a regional public university. Our campuses are in the region, but our ideas are not limited by the place. With nearly 3,000 students, we belong to rather smaller higher education institutions. Yet, the student-teacher ratio of 15:1 enables our students to develop healthy one-on-one mentoring relationships with their tutors, offering them insight and help in ways that would be impossible in a larger classroom. Within the Business Gate Academy, students get valuable practical and problem-solving skills when working on real business cases. At the Silesian University, we inspire your growth and develop your natural creativity. Your successful future is our driving force!
Karviná (Czech Republic)
Silesian University in Opava,
School of Business Administration,
Univerzitní náměstí 1934/3,
73340 Karviná, Czech Republic
Tel. (+420) 596 398 221
The Silesian University in Opava (SU) has three faculties and two university institutes: the Faculty of Philosophy and Science in Opava, the School of Business Administration in Karviná, the Faculty of Public Policies in Opava, the Mathematical Institute in Opava and the Institute of Physics in Opava. The Silesian University is a legitimate member of the European University Association and a holder of a prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award. In 2021, the SU ranked 250-300 in QS EECA University Rankings.
Would you like to study, work or carry out your research abroad? Internationalization being one of the core stones of our mission, the SU SBA cooperates with more than 60 universities mainly in Europe but also in the United States, Russia, Japan or China providing ample opportunities for its students and staff, whether it is via Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 or a number of other exchange programs and individual scholarships. Can Science be Fun? The young people studying at our university with interest, vigor and eagerness to unravel mysteries and discover new things give an affirmative answer to the question. Students of postgraduate master programs as well as doctoral programs can participate in research activities and apply for a year-long scholarship in the Student Grant Competition.
At the Silesian University, we have a long-term experience in hosting degree, exchange and visiting international students as well as colleagues from our partner universities. Our campus offers best from both worlds, studying as well as social life. The students can benefit from our modern university premises including dormitories, library or sports facilities. At the SU, we highly stress equal conditions for all students with an emphasis on gender equality. We provide support to disadvantaged students with physical handicap or those endangered by their ethnic origin or socio-economic background. International students can benefit from our Buddy Program run by our local student volunteers that helps them to better accommodate on a new campus.