Whether you are intrigued to engage in a critical study of film, mass media and social media or like to discover in further detail the powerful determinants of ideology, identity, and historical consciousness through various media, Europe is definitely one of the most influential regions in this sector. According to the QS World University Rankings 2016, Europe has 34 of the Top 100 universities in the world offering courses in Communication & Media Studies. Ranked in the Top 6 are two European Higher institution; the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (3), which undertakes outstanding and innovative research and provide excellent research-based graduate programmes for the study of media and communications; and the University of Amsterdam (6) which offers an interdisciplinary, humanities-oriented focus on media as multimodal discourses and cultural practices, while acknowledging the effects of technology, social and institutional forces on media contents. Its scope encompasses film, television, digital media and (audiovisual) archives. EHEVF 2016 India and South Asia participant Aarhus University (34) in Denmark makes the QS World University Rankings 2016 Top 50. KU Leuven in Netherlands and Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam are also well regarded internationally.