From Marie Curie to Louis Pasteur, Europe has long and glorious association with chemistry and today European HEIs continue to be at the forefront of scientific endeavour in this field. UK elites the University of Cambridge and the University of Oxford, as well as Imperial College London and ETH Zurich in Switzerland, all make the QS World University Rankings 2016 Top 10 for this subject, the latter offering MSc Chemistry, MSc Chemical- and Bioengineering, MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences, MSc Medicinal and Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences (MIPS), and MSc Interdisciplinary Sciences. Following closely behind in the QS rankings is Switzerland’s Ecole Polytechnicque Federal de Lausanne (18), and TU Munchen (27) in Germany. EHEVF 2016 India and South Asia participant Vrije Universitiet Brussel (VUB) in Belgium is well respected and offers a two year MSc in Chemistry in English in association with Ghent University. Whilst the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands also ranks an impressive QS World Top 100 for this subject and amongst other areas specialises in nano-organic chemistry and biocatalysis, enzymology, organic chemistry and molecular imaging.