European economists have always had a big influence on world economic thinking, from Adam Smith to John Meynard Keynes – so it’s no surprise its universities continue to be counted amongst the world best places to study Economics. The London School of Economics (LSE) in the UK leads the way, ranked overall 7th best in the QS World University ranking 2016, followed closely by the Universita Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (17) in Italy, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (20) in Spain, and the Stockholm School of Economics (34) in Sweden. EHEVF 2016 India and South Asia participant Aarhus University makes the QS World Top 100. Aarhus’s Department of Economics and Business Economics has a strong international focus in its research and degree programmes, which include microeconomics, macroeconomics, econometrics, finance and accounting, as well as operations research. Fellow EHEVF 2016 participants Leiden University in the Netherlands concentrates its research and teaching on Social Policies, Public Finance and Law and Economics; whereas the Wrocław University of Economics in Poland offers a European doctoral programme in Economics, Management and Finance. Other Polish EHEV participants offering higher courses in Economics are Poznan University of Economics, and Radom Academy of Economics.